How to Customize Your Mommy Makeover

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By now, you’re probably familiar with the idea of a mommy makeover. Here in Houston, it’s one of our most popular procedures because we believe in customizing the treatment for each patient. Not just each patient’s body, but each patient’s lifestyle and budget, too. Here, I’ll walk you through your mommy makeover options to give you a better idea of the results you can anticipate from each tier’s approach.

Tier 1

The least invasive mommy makeover option is small but mighty. Because it’s completely nonsurgical, it’s a good option for women who may not be comfortable with the idea of surgery, or for those who aren’t looking for the significant results that a surgical approach can create. It’s also popular with women working with a smaller budget or those who have small children at home and can’t manage an extended recuperation period just yet. Although a Tier 1 mommy makeover is completely nonsurgical, it can still be customized. Depending on the concerns you’d like to treat, I can use a combination of injectable dermal fillers and radiofrequency treatments to add volume to the face, reduce the look of wrinkles, and tighten skin on the face and body. We can even rejuvenate the vaginal area with the increasingly popular ThermiVa® treatment. This nonsurgical treatment can help improve tightness of vaginal tissue, improve continence, more enjoyable intercourse, and reverse other symptoms caused by aging and childbirth.

Tier 2

The “single-surgery” mommy makeover goes a bit further than the Tier 1 option, with an associated downtime of 1 to 2 weeks. In my office, the Tier 2 combination includes breast augmentation and ThermiVa, a radiofrequency treatment that can improve the tone of your vulvar structures, mentioned above. If breast augmentation isn’t for you, it’s easy to customize this option with another form of breast enhancement, such as a reduction, or a breast lift.

Check out my photo gallery to see some of my top breast enhancement cases.

Tier 3

The ultimate mommy makeover requires a longer downtime, but it also creates the most significant results. This approach combines breast enhancement with tummy tuck and liposuction of up to 2 areas. ThermiVa is also a popular addition. Patients who choose this option are treated to a full body transformation, from beautiful, younger-looking breasts to a toned abdomen and smoother all-over contours.

Whatever you choose, keep in mind that your mommy makeover will always be custom-tailored to you, and therefore the cost, results, and associated recovery time are all individualized. During your consultation, we’ll spend time talking candidly about your short- and long-term goals to create a plan that works best for you.

Interested in learning more about mommy makeover procedures? Visit the mommy makeover section of my blog.

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