Tummy Tuck in Houston

A flat and toned abdomen is a common objective of many diet and exercise programs. But people can’t always reach their desired goals, even with their most dedicated efforts. A tummy tuck is one of the most common procedures performed by Houston, TX board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Camille Cash. Her tummy tuck patients, who come from Humble, Kingwood, and beyond, are consistently thrilled with their results and often report going down 1 to 3 clothing sizes. They no longer have to make wardrobe decisions based on how to best camouflage a bulging midsection. Dr. Cash’s tummy tuck patients love being free to wear form-fitting shirts, low-rise pants and even 2-piece bathing suits.

Dr. Cash recalls a woman she saw recently, 6 months after her tummy tuck and liposuction…

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"She was an average-size person who went from a size 14 to a size 8. Her self-confidence is now through the roof! Not only has her sex life with her husband improved, but they now often shop for lingerie together."

- Dr. Camille Cash

You deserve to look your best. Visit us for a consultation with Dr. Cash, one of the top tummy tuck surgeons in Houston, and see how she can help you feel confident about your body again. Request a consultation with Dr. Cash today for a personal, private appointment or call her office at  (713) 571-0600 to schedule a visit.

How Much Does a Tummy Tuck Cost in Houston?

The cost of a tummy tuck at our Houston practice depends on several factors, such as the complexity of the procedure and whether it is combined with other procedures. Dr. Cash encourages you to consider a surgeon’s experience and qualifications above cost to attain the best possible results and ensure your procedure is performed with the greatest attention to safety.

Use our Instant Quote tool to calculate the price of your treatment.

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Tummy Tuck
 Before & After Photos


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What Does a Tummy Tuck Do?

A tummy tuck is a surgical procedure that recontours and reshapes the midsections of patients who have developed loose or sagging skin and a weakened abdominal wall. Unlike other procedures that treat only the surface, tummy tuck surgery can improve all 3 layers of the abdomen: the skin, the fat, and the muscle.

Tummy Tuck Candidates

Ideal candidates are those who are at or near a healthy weight but are bothered by extra abdominal skin and fat that disrupts the natural proportions of their bodies. It’s important to remember that tummy tuck surgery is not a weight-loss procedure. Female patients should have no plans to become pregnant within 12 months of this procedure, as the physical changes caused by pregnancy can impact results.

During your consultation, Dr. Cash helps you determine your candidacy for this procedure and may make alternative recommendations in order to give you the results you want. Regardless of the procedure you select, Dr. Cash thoroughly explains what you can expect before, during, and after surgery.

Tummy Tuck or Liposuction?

Sometimes, patients are unsure whether they need a tummy tuck or liposuction to improve their abdominal contours. These body contouring procedures provide different improvements, which generally include:

Liposuction is strictly a fat-removal procedure, so it is appropriate for people who have excess fat in the abdominal area without extra skin and have good skin elasticity.

Before & After Liposuction

Before & After Liposuction Case 91 View #1 View in Houston, TX
This patient had liposuction of the upper and lower abdomen as well as the flanks and thighs.

Tummy tuck surgery removes lax skin, repairs stretched and separated abdominal muscles (diastasis recti), and reshapes the bellybutton. It is often a good choice for women who have had one or more pregnancies and people who have lost a significant amount of weight.

Before & After Tummy Tuck

Before & After Tummy Tuck Case 622 Right Side View in Houston, TX
This patient had a tummy tuck that included skin tightening and abdominal muscle repair.

Many people benefit from a combination of the two procedures to remove excess fat from the belly, waist, and hips; tighten loose skin; and repair bulging abdominal muscles.

Before & After Tummy Tuck With Liposuction

Before & After Tummy Tuck Case 635 Front View in Houston, TX
This patient had a tummy tuck that included skin tightening and abdominal muscle repair along with liposuction of the flanks and mons pubis.

During your consultation, Dr. Cash will evaluate your cosmetic concerns and give you a professional opinion about which types of procedures she believes will be most beneficial.

Tummy Tuck & Mommy Makeover

Tone and tighten your midsection after pregnancy.

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How Can Abdominoplasty Help?

Women and men seek abdominoplasty due to a variety of factors, including:

  • Pregnancy: Because tummy tuck surgery does more than reduce unwanted fat, it is especially popular with women who have been pregnant. During pregnancy, the skin of the abdomen stretches and the muscles separate to accommodate the growing baby (technically called abdominal rectus diastasis). Following childbirth, the body doesn’t always regain its pre-pregnancy shape. Many women combine a tummy tuck with other procedures for a comprehensive mommy makeover.
  • Significant weight loss: The skin stretches to accommodate weight gain but often cannot bounce back after weight loss, especially after significant weight loss with medications like semaglutide or after bariatric surgery when weight loss is rapid.
  • Genetics: Other people who seek abdominoplasty are men and women whose genetic makeup granted them a troublesome midsection they’ve been frustrated with for much of their lives.

Camille Cash M.D.

Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon • ASPS & ASAPS MemberNo matter what procedure you undergo with Dr. Cash, one thing is for certain—it’s all about you. She takes the time to get to know you as more than a patient, creating a treatment plan that’s just the right fit.

doctor credentials

Full Tummy Tuck

Dr. Cash performs tummy tuck surgery with the patient under general anesthesia. The procedure takes 3 hours or longer to complete. She starts with an incision that begins near one hip bone, travels down to the pubic area, then back up to the other hip. Dr. Cash makes a second incision just inside the bellybutton to release it from the abdominal skin. She removes the redundant skin and its underlying fat in the lower abdomen. If necessary, Dr. Cash performs rectus diastasis correction to repair the muscle layer. She then releases the remaining skin in the upper abdomen, pulls it down to the patient’s bikini line, smooths it out, creates an opening for the bellybutton, and removes the excess.

Dr. Cash often includes liposuction of the love handles or sides for more complete contouring. The result is a dramatically improved abdomen that is flatter and more toned. Unlike other procedures, a tummy tuck is long-lasting as it physically removes the excess skin and fat.

Mini Tummy Tuck

A mini tummy tuck addresses the skin of the lower abdomen only. It involves an incision that is shorter than for a full tummy tuck (see illustration). There is typically no incision around the bellybutton; therefore, the skin around the bellybutton is changed minimally. During this procedure, Dr. Cash removes extra skin and fat without tightening the muscle layer. Recuperation following a mini tummy tuck is typically shorter than that which follows a standard tummy tuck.

Tummy tuck options graphic

Tummy Tuck From Dr. Cash

Abdominoplasty is one of the most popular procedures Dr. Cash performs. The many reasons patients choose her include:

  • Qualifications. Dr. Cash has almost 2 decades of experience and is a specialist in body contouring surgery. She was the first female African-American plastic surgeon in the state of Texas to be certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery.
  • Results. The beautiful transformations Dr. Cash has made for her tummy tuck patients cannot be described in words. Look through her before & after tummy tuck photos to see for yourself.
  • Rapport. One of the most rewarding parts of Dr. Cash’s job is forming long-lasting patient relationships. Her warm, approachable personality and willingness to truly listen lead to positive doctor-patient interactions.
  • Patient reviews. Her patients report a very high level of satisfaction after tummy tuck surgery because the results improve their self-confidence and physical comfort. Read patient reviews.

Combining Procedures

Many women have multiple areas they would like to improve, especially those who have had children or lost a lot of weight. Dr. Cash frequently combines other procedures with tummy tuck surgery, including:

It is so common to combine breast procedures with a tummy tuck that there’s a name for it: mommy makeover surgery.

What to Expect During Recovery

You will return home the day of surgery in the care of an adult family member or friend. Be sure to follow your post-op instructions for pain management, incision and drain care, activity, and more. To prevent blood clots in the legs and speed up the healing process, you will need to take short, easy walks frequently beginning the day after surgery.

Recovery Milestones

While experiences vary, most tummy tuck patients reach the following general recovery milestones along this timeline:

  • Take a shower: 48 hours after surgery
  • Discomfort peaks: 5 to 7 days
  • Drains removed: 7 to 10 days
  • Return to work and nonstrenuous activities: 2 weeks
  • Sleep in a recliner or propped up with pillows: 2 to 3 weeks
  • Stand upright: 2 to 3 weeks
  • Wear compression garment: 3 to 4 weeks
  • Resume low-impact exercise: 4 weeks
  • Incision heals: 6 weeks
  • Safe to go in a swimming pool, the ocean, or a bath: 6 weeks
  • Resume strenuous exercise: 6 weeks
  • See improved contours: 3 to 6 months
  • See final results: 1 year
  • Scars fade: 6 to 12 months (or longer)

Review this blog post for more information about tummy tuck recovery.

As Seen on TV

Watch Dr. Cash help patients on TLC's Skin Tight program regain their confidence through body contouring procedures. Learn more about her appearance.

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As Seen on TLC

Your Beautiful Results

Most patients find that they no longer need to do sit-ups or any other abdominal exercises after tummy tuck surgery. Their midsections will be flat and smooth. However, Dr. Cash reminds patients that a healthy lifestyle is necessary in order to maintain their results. Eating a healthy, balanced diet and sticking to a regular exercise routine can preserve tummy tuck results for many years by preventing unnecessary skin stretching.

Pregnancy After a Tummy Tuck

Although it’s perfectly safe for women who undergo tummy tuck surgery to become pregnant, it’s important to understand that pregnancy can drastically alter cosmetic results or even reverse them. Dr. Cash generally recommends that female patients are done having children before undergoing a tummy tuck in order to get the most from their results. If you’re considering the surgery but aren’t yet sure if you’d like to have more children in the future, she may make recommendations for alternative procedures that suit your lifestyle.

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"I’ve always had a ‘pot belly’ since I was a young athletic girl. As an adult, I would exercise, eat ‘right,’ and weight lift but it wouldn’t go away … I never felt comfortable wearing a two piece swimsuit or anything that would bring attention to my stomach. Thanks to Dr. Cash, NO MORE ‘pot belly.’ It’s GONE and I can’t wait to go to the beach!!! I have more confidence and I just LOVE, LOVE IT!!"

- Patient Review on RealSelf.com

*Keep in mind each patient is unique and your experience may vary.

Common Questions

How much pain will I have?

Most patients describe their discomfort as moderate to severe. However, Dr. Cash uses an FDA-approved pain management system called EXPAREL® to significantly decrease your discomfort following surgery. Dr. Cash injects EXPAREL, a local analgesic that gradually releases into the body over 3 days, into the tummy tuck incision during surgery. EXPAREL helps reduce the need for additional pain medications immediately after your tummy tuck surgery.

Where is the surgery performed?

Depending on the length of surgery, any medical conditions you may have, and your family support at home, Dr. Cash may recommend an accredited hospital for your abdominoplasty where you can stay 1 to 2 nights, or you may have the procedure done in an accredited surgical center and go home several hours after surgery.

Does tummy tuck surgery remove stretch marks?

Stretch marks, usually those that lie below the bellybutton, are removed along with the excess skin during a tummy tuck.

How should I sleep after surgery?

For the first week or two, you will need to sleep on your back in a recliner or propped up with pillows to minimize strain on your incisions and surgical area. (You will not be able to stretch out comfortably at this point anyway.) When cleared by Dr. Cash, which is usually around 3 weeks after surgery, you can sleep on your side. It will take about 6 weeks before you’re ready to sleep face down.

Will I have a scar after a tummy tuck?

Scars are inevitable with any surgery, unfortunately, but there are precautions that can be taken to give you the best outcome possible. Dr. Cash will close all incisions meticulously with suture material that has an antibacterial coating and is absorbed by your body. Other remedies ranging from over-the-counter products to silicone sheeting can be also be used.

What are the possible complications with this surgery?

Tummy tuck surgery has potential risks associated with it, as do all surgeries, such as bleeding and possible infection. These complications rarely occur and are often minor and resolve easily.

Patients very rarely desire a revision to improve the appearance of a scar.

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A Reputation Built on Results

Dr. Cash completely changed my life by transforming my body with a mommy makeover. I interviewed several...
Dr. Cash is one of the sweetest people I have ever met! Plus a damn good surgeon. She’s a true artist...
Dr. Cash was able to help me with an HS flare in my left armpit and she was so amazing the entire time....
Excellent work and care.