Recovering From a Mommy Makeover in the Summer

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I specialize in the mommy makeover at my Houston practice, and I know very well the special needs these patients have after surgery. With summer upon us, I’m reminded of how Texas’s summer heat throws a bit of a wrench into the post-op period. In this blog post, I want to explore what you can expect during the recuperation process if you undergo your mommy makeover in the warmer months.

Timing Is Everything: Before you move forward with scheduling your mommy makeover, take a step back and evaluate how the surgery fits into your (likely very busy) life. Consider your lifestyle, needs, goals, and plans at least through the next 6 months. For many women, the summer months are an ideal time to recover from surgery since the kids are out of school and may be occupied with summer camps and daytime activities. Certain professions and industries offer more flexible hours in the summer and even summers off altogether, so for many people, this is an ideal season to have surgery. On the other hand, everyone is different, and summertime might be even more hectic than the cooler months. Consider your own situation and plan accordingly.

Take a Load Off: Slow down and let yourself recuperate. While many mommy makeover patients are able to get back to sedentary work and other low-key daily activities within a couple of weeks, I recommend taking about 8 weeks off from more physically demanding activities, such as hard work outs and swimming. This is admittedly tough to do in the summer, but it’s essential to rest to give yourself the best results possible.

Yes, It’s Hot: Texas summers are hot, I get it. However, to allow the skin to begin a healthy healing process, I recommend waiting 72 hours after surgery before showering. (Thank goodness for central air!) Taking this small but necessary step in the healing process is vital to minimizing your risk of complications and maximizing your results.

Keep It Clean: Once the 72-hour mark has passed, a daily shower is a necessity. Summer sweat is a fact of life here in Houston, and regular bathing is important to keep skin free of bacteria and allow incisions to heal undisturbed. Keep in mind that oceans, lakes, and pools are teeming with bacteria and microbes. Although showers are OK, avoid submerging yourself in any water, including the bathtub, until the 8-week mark. Of course, every patient heals at her own pace. If you have questions or concerns at any point throughout your healing process, I’m happy to address them over the phone or during a follow-up appointment.

Cover Up: Unprotected sun exposure can have serious effects on scars, causing them to appear darker or more prominent than they would otherwise. To ensure discreet scars, I recommend keeping your incisions out of the sun as much as possible. Any time you plan to be outside, be sure to cover up your incisions with clothing or SPF (or both)!

See for Yourself: Looking at mommy makeover before-and-after pictures is one of the best ways to get a sense of what’s possible. Check out my gallery of past patients so you can see the variety of body types I’ve treated and the goals I’ve helped my patients meet.

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